Kate Schroeder

My work is inspired by the emotional impact of collecting objects—why we collect them, and the significance of the ones we choose. I celebrate the domestic home and the integral use of nature within our living spaces. Throughout my art career I have added light media into my work. I have always been impacted by light and how it affects the world around us. More recently I have rediscovered how important it is to my creativity and mental health. My lamp series reflects my interest in domesticity while concurrently showcasing the importance of sunlight within our spaces and our lives.

—Kate Schroeder


Kate Schroeder is a ceramicist and professional artist residing in Kansas City, Missouri. She earned a BFA in Sculpture and Ceramics from the University of Central Missouri and an MFA, also emphasizing Sculpture and Ceramics, from the University of Alaska Fairbanks. Schroeder has work in collections around the globe. Before transitioning to a full-time artist, she spent nearly a decade as an educator working for universities, art institutes, and community colleges.